Why Does Your Dog Start Misbehaving All of a Sudden?

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Pet owners are usually puzzled when their usually obedient and well-behaved dog turns suddenly into a grouchy creature who tears things up, barks at people, and pees in inappropriate places. If your dog overgrows the puppy stage and was well-trained before, it is time to ask yourself: "Is my dog getting what he needs from me?". To find out why your dog starts misbehaving all of a sudden, veterinarians from the Eastshore Vet, the best veterinary clinic in Branford, gives us the list of potential causes.

Why Does Your Dog Start Misbehaving All of a Sudden?

Too Little Physical Activity

You probably already know that your dog needs to go for a walk, at least, one time a day. However, for many dogs, it is not enough. To be sure that your dog is getting enough exercise, play at home with him or take your dog out for a run while you are jogging or biking.


Sometimes, you might not see an obvious reason for your dog misbehavior. Even though everything looks perfectly fine, your dog may lack a challenge. Engage your dog mentally by hiding his favorite toy or give him a certain task to do.

Changes in Regular Diet

Every change in your dog's diet may cause misbehaving in dogs. When switching from one food to another, try doing that gradually to help his body adjust. Sometimes, bad dog behavior may reveal malnutrition in an otherwise healthy dog.

Lifestyle Changes

Canines need to feel safe around their pet owners. Structure, consistency, and firm boundaries make their world predictable and safe, at the same time. Sometimes, changes in your lifestyle, such as your new working schedule, moving to a new home, the arrival of a new baby or a new pet, may disturb their sense of safety. Be patient and help your dog adapt to change by keeping a consistent routine.

Dog's Age

If your dog is between 5 and 18 months of age, he is just experiencing the ups and downs of the teenage years. His bad behavior probably appears as a result of this rebellious phase and his need to test your boundaries.

Health Issues

Dogs tend to bury their pain, but their behavior will sooner or later reveal hidden emotions. Before you start wondering why does your dog start misbehaving badly all of a sudden and jump to a conclusion about the reasons, check with your vet his health condition.

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East Shore's Veterinary Hospital
50 N. Main St
Branford, CT 06405
Mon-Fri : Closed
Saturday : Closed
Sunday : Closed


East Shore's Animal Wellness Center
29 Boston Post Road
Madison, CT 06443
Monday : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday : 9.00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday : 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat-Sun : Closed
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